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4 Positions to Avoid for Lateral Hip Pain Relief

Released on May. 22, 2024


Lateral hip pain or hip bursitis can be a real pain—literally! It's crucial to know the positions to avoid and the movements that can bring you some relief. In this blog, we'll highlight four common positions that can exacerbate your discomfort and share a recommended exercise to help manage the pain. Plus, we'll touch on how AOFIT's lower back brace can provide additional support. Ready to kick that hip pain to the curb? Let's dive in!


Positions to Avoid

1. Leaning on One Hip

Leaning on one hip might seem harmless, especially when you're standing or sitting for extended periods. However, this position places unnecessary stress on the hip joint and tendons, which can aggravate your pain and worsen hip bursitis.


2. Crossing Your Legs

Crossing your legs, whether sitting or standing, can cause misalignment in your hips. This position strains the hip tendons and bursae, leading to increased pain and inflammation. It's best to keep your legs uncrossed and parallel to maintain proper alignment.


3. Sitting with Legs Crossed

Sitting with your legs crossed at the knee or ankle adds pressure on the hip joints and can cause irritation. This position can also lead to poor posture, which can further exacerbate hip pain. Instead, sit with your feet flat on the floor and your knees at a right angle.


4. Sleeping with the Painful Leg on Top

Sleeping on your side with the painful leg on top can increase pressure on the hip and exacerbate pain. This position can also lead to poor alignment and tension in the hip area. Instead, try sleeping with a pillow between your knees to keep your hips properly aligned.

Recommended Movement for Pain Relief

Isometric Exercise: Pillow Press

How to Perform:

Lie on Your Side: Start by lying on your side with the painful hip on top.

Stack Your Heels: Place a pillow between your knees to keep your legs aligned.

Press Down: Gently press down on the top leg and try to lift it off the pillow. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Repeat: Lower your leg back down and repeat the movement. Gradually increase the number of repetitions as tolerated.



Pain Relief: This isometric exercise helps to relieve pain by strengthening the hip muscles without requiring a full range of motion.

Improved Alignment: Using a pillow helps maintain optimal leg positioning and minimizes tension on the painful area.


Additional Support: AOFIT's Lower Back Brace

AOFIT's lower back brace can provide extra support to alleviate hip pain. By stabilizing your lower back and improving your posture, this brace helps reduce strain on the hips and promotes better alignment. It's an excellent addition to your pain management routine, especially when you're on the move.


Key Insights

Avoiding Stressful Positions: By steering clear of positions that add stress to the hips and tendons, you can help reduce pain and irritation.

Optimal Leg Positioning: Using a pillow between your knees while sleeping helps maintain proper leg alignment and minimizes tension on the hip.

Isometric Exercise: The recommended movement focuses on pain relief through muscle strengthening, without requiring full range of motion.

Gradual Increase: Slowly increasing the number of repetitions of the recommended movement can be beneficial, but proceed with caution if experiencing high levels of pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I still exercise with lateral hip pain?

A: Yes, but it's important to focus on low-impact exercises and avoid positions that exacerbate your pain. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.


Q: How long should I hold the isometric exercise?

A: Start with holding the position for 5-10 seconds and gradually increase as your tolerance improves. Aim for multiple repetitions to build strength.

Q: Is it necessary to use a pillow while sleeping?

A: Using a pillow between your knees can help maintain proper alignment and reduce tension on the hip, making it a beneficial addition to your sleep routine.

Q: How does a lower back brace help with hip pain?

A: A lower back brace stabilizes your lower back, improving posture and reducing strain on the hips, which can help alleviate pain.


Managing lateral hip pain or hip bursitis involves avoiding positions that stress your hips and incorporating beneficial movements into your routine. The isometric exercise we've recommended, along with using AOFIT's lower back brace, can significantly improve your pain management strategy. By being mindful of your body positioning and engaging in targeted exercises, you can take proactive steps toward alleviating your hip pain.